

Jyutokukan is a private karate club teaching traditional karate & competitive karate. Jyutokukan is to be located in BC Canada,

Jyutokukan offers 6-12yrs, 13-18yrs and adult recreational and high-performance programs. Jyutokukan is affiliated with the official sport governing bodies, Karate BC and Karate Canada. Karate BC is the provincial sport organization (PSO) for Sport BC. Karate Canada is the national sport organization (NSO) with Sport Canada , the Canada Olympic Committee, the World Karate Federation (WKF).

Jyutokukan teaches the popular and world famous Shito-Ryu karate style, one of the four main Japanese styles. Jyutokukan students can test for colored belts (kyu ranks) every few months as they improve their traditional karate abilities, and eventually they can attain Shito-Ryu black belt degrees (dan ranks) from the chief instructor, Takashi Katada.

Jyutokukan is about being the place where members lay the foundational roots to achieve their goals while becoming stronger as good people. Living their best life. Jyutokukan creates a community, a tribe, for the joy of making friends, the joy of exercising together, the joy of learning karate deeply, the joy competing in tournaments, the joy of going to new places & meeting new people from other clubs, and truly the joy of discovering the world through the global opportunities offered by Karate.

Whether it is kids starting to the sweaty fun of karate practice, experienced teens & adults training for BC or national team spots, seasoned adults volunteering to officiate at tournaments or simply someone preparing for their next belt test, Jyutokukan aims to be a supportive environment for all. The club becomes alive & vibrant through the daily energy and enthusiasm of its members as they practice towards personal goals and help others achieve theirs as well.

What Jyutokukan doesn’t do is sell fear; the fear of bullying, the fear of getting attacked, the fear of victimization, the fear of an instructor’s disapproval or the fear of not being able to think for oneself.

Karate is a healthy, normal physical activity that when practiced anyone can become to feel more fit and confident, and confidence combined with critical thinking should lead to an individual making better decisions on how to deal with any of life’s challenges.

Karate is also an international mainstream sport widely practiced across most countries in recreational programs, private clubs and schools from kindergarten to university teaching numerous styles. There is also a highly developed amateur competition industry encompassing local, provincial, national, continental and world tournaments both for overall mainstream karate and for style-specific karate umbrella organizations.

Karate is no longer perceived as dangerous and exotic, but as an excellent physical literacy system for people of all ages. At a well-run karate club (dojo), the benefits of karate practice for participants include improved physical literacy, multi-level martial arts knowledge building, self defense skills, competition opportunities from local to world levels, sports club camaraderie, and a friendly environment to make long-lasting, healthy friendships. While Karate practice enables students to become aware of Japanese culture, Karate is truly a global ‘martial sport’ existing in over 180 countries, thereby allowing students greater opportunities to experience cultural diversity by interacting with other participants on an international scale.
