General etiquette & opening formalities
- how to hold the sword(携刀姿勢)
- entering the area(出場)
- bow to the altar(神座への礼)
- direction to face when performing(演武の方向)
- bow to the sword before the performance(始めの刀礼)
sitting down(着座)
how to place the sword(刀の置き方)
sitting posture bow(座礼)
- wearing the sword(帯刀)
- bow to the sword after the performance(終わりの刀礼)
removing the sword(脱刀)
how to place the sword and bow(刀の置き方と座礼)
how to pick up the sword(刀のとり方)
how to stand up(立ち上がり方)
- leaving the area(退場)
execution of forms
- Front(1本目 前)
- Rear(2本目 後)
- Receive,Parry & Cut(3本目 受け流し)
- Striking with the hilt(4本目 柄当て)
- Diagonal cut(5本目 袈裟切り)
- Two handed thrust(6本目 諸手突き)
- Three direction cutting(7本目 三方切り)
- Hit to the face(8本目 顔面当て)
- Joined hand thrust(9本目 添え手突き)
- Four direction cutting(10本目 四方切り)
- Complete cuts(11本目 総切り)
- Sudden draw(12本目 抜き打ち)
Additional explanation
- Brething(呼吸)
- How to hold the tsuka(柄の握り方)